Saturday, March 24, 2007

Whatever comes into my mind

DAMN! Why can't I write in the text box?? Oh, there we go.
Wow, screams in the background. Hopefully from a TV show.
I hear Steph talking, but too quietly, so I can't understand
"Red shirt"
That's all I understand
Wow, the people are speaking in Scottish!
Mushrooms, says the music note
Shit, I'm out of tea
WOW!! The webcam light is blue!!
Now I hear tapping coming from Steph...tap...tap...tap.......
*naps briefly*
Steph is now singing an incomprehensible song
*sings* All you need is love
Now Steph has ditched me for dishes
Bye Steph
I need more tea
(in the background) "He was wearing a uniform. A police uniform. *cries*
Wow, more random than anything I've ever though up
*licks finger* Tastes of honey. Perhaps from the honey in my tea
WHAT WAS THAT?? Something pink flashed at the bottom of my screen
Ooooh, dirty
My lip is dry and hurty
*sips tea*
Maybe I should work at the ice cream store with Josi, that'd be more fun than the bibliotheque
Why does French consist of such funny words?
Haha, I almost spelled funny "fony"
Ew, tea is lacking sugar, but I'm also lazy
Which CD is this? Oh, Rubber Soul
*another brief nap*
Is that nail polish or breath spray?
Oh, 'twas monitor glass cleaner. Why didn't I think of that?
*sings movement 1*
*looks at cover to Animals*
Wow, that was an awesome album
I wish I had an inflatable pig
AHH! Headphones are askew and iPod is hanging by a wire
Happened again...
Hm...the pink flashed again
I have to take a crap
Okay, I've had five pointy things stuck in my foot since I got home
*misinterprets previous sentence*
...Did my headphones just vibrate
I think I'll stop doing this around ten
My webcam just killed itself for no apparent reason
*puts headphones back on*
Why didn't I do that before?
*sips tea*
I hear a click coming from Steph's house...and yet no one is there
Oooh, I made my font bold!
Now 'tis italic
Now it's both!...or it should be...damn it
Wow, you can type in colours?
Steph's back!!
And it's 10:01, so I shall stop.


Friday, March 23, 2007

*shoots bus drivers*

Well, that was an exciting yesterday. I have to take the bus home from school everyday, but the bus drivers went on strike or something, and they didn't tell us. So eventually, we got a ride from Rob in his dad's Hummer. Quite scary having Rob driving. Right now, I want to pull a Bloody Sunday on those bus drivers.
Oooh, started writing a song. For those of you that are interested, it's in 4/4 at 90 quarter. Chords are C#m, A, C#m, A, C#m, A, E, B, F#m, A, E, F#m, A, B, C. All of them last 4 beats, except the last B, which lasts 6, and the last C, which lasts 2. That's all I have now, and I have a bass line for the left hand that sounds pretty cool. Josi and Kim, feel free to add a guitar part, and Steph, you can make your own part.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Well, that was one awkward day. Although only people from school would understand, and I hope to god that none of them ever read this blog, seeing as they are incredibly lame.
Anywho, it seems that my friend Cayleigh had a crush on me. Kind of like me and Kim, but much more awkward. Oh well.
Not too much else that's got me thinking...*looks up in dictionary*

It seems that it isn't a noun, unless you mean swashbuckler. Swashbuckle is to work, behave, or perform as a swashbuckler...intertresting.
swash·buck·ler [swosh-buhk-ler, swawsh-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun a swaggering swordsman, soldier, or adventurer; daredevil

Wow, this makes what Josi said slightly dirtier...

Damn, I should really start on Steph's song...screw it, I'm writing my own :D

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Yay! Finally got a new blog! I might update it more than every three months, too.

Wow, I'm really lame, I actually have no fucking clue what to write...