Sunday, March 18, 2007


Yay! Finally got a new blog! I might update it more than every three months, too.

Wow, I'm really lame, I actually have no fucking clue what to write...


Joi Grey said...

lol awww Duncan needs a comment, and I have no life so I shall comment on it. And yeah just write whatever it's not like anyone cares what the content is... I may type up what I wrote whilst at work upon a paper towel in purple pen. The story of 10 minutes of my awesomely retarded life, it's fascinating.

StephJP said...

Welcome, Duncan. Welcome to the life of blogging. Hope you enjoy your stay, and get comfortable. It's quite a long ride.


Joi Grey said...

Oh Steph. lol Comment war!!! I challenge you *whips out plastic sword and swashbuckles*...swashbuckle.... what the hell is that anyways? It's like an adjective that sounds like a noun. Hahaha I bet it'll take Duncan forever to get around to reading these.

StephJP said...

I accept your challange, and respectfully say that I'm gonna win.

Swashbuckles...could it be? Maybe it's like swashing your buckle. Which we shall not go into, in fear of misinterpretation. CRACKER JACKS!!!

Mmmm. Nautical terms. Delicious. And Duncan needs to fix his clock. It's an hour early.

Duncan said...

Too bad, steph, I like being an hour early...

Joi Grey said...

And hour early for what? ;)

Duncan said...

I may have just interpreted that in a much dirtier manner than you think.

j9‽ said...

happy blogday.

Joi Grey said...

Trust me it was intended to sound that dirty, I like to make people cringe.

(haha, see what you come up with for that one)

(and that one)


StephJP said...

Cum up? Does gravity work that way?

Just stating the fact that it's actually 1:04 and not 12:04 like the little timestamp at the bottom says it is.

*shakes fist at screen*

Joi Grey said...

Well I'm not sure about gravity...the moon perhaps?...ew, dirty thoughts there.

StephJP said...

Obviously that man on the moon is having quite a ball up there.

Yay, cheese for everybody! (EW EW EW)

Joi Grey said... thatss where that's coming from... I always wondered...

(my god that sounded nasty)