Saturday, March 24, 2007

Whatever comes into my mind

DAMN! Why can't I write in the text box?? Oh, there we go.
Wow, screams in the background. Hopefully from a TV show.
I hear Steph talking, but too quietly, so I can't understand
"Red shirt"
That's all I understand
Wow, the people are speaking in Scottish!
Mushrooms, says the music note
Shit, I'm out of tea
WOW!! The webcam light is blue!!
Now I hear tapping coming from Steph...tap...tap...tap.......
*naps briefly*
Steph is now singing an incomprehensible song
*sings* All you need is love
Now Steph has ditched me for dishes
Bye Steph
I need more tea
(in the background) "He was wearing a uniform. A police uniform. *cries*
Wow, more random than anything I've ever though up
*licks finger* Tastes of honey. Perhaps from the honey in my tea
WHAT WAS THAT?? Something pink flashed at the bottom of my screen
Ooooh, dirty
My lip is dry and hurty
*sips tea*
Maybe I should work at the ice cream store with Josi, that'd be more fun than the bibliotheque
Why does French consist of such funny words?
Haha, I almost spelled funny "fony"
Ew, tea is lacking sugar, but I'm also lazy
Which CD is this? Oh, Rubber Soul
*another brief nap*
Is that nail polish or breath spray?
Oh, 'twas monitor glass cleaner. Why didn't I think of that?
*sings movement 1*
*looks at cover to Animals*
Wow, that was an awesome album
I wish I had an inflatable pig
AHH! Headphones are askew and iPod is hanging by a wire
Happened again...
Hm...the pink flashed again
I have to take a crap
Okay, I've had five pointy things stuck in my foot since I got home
*misinterprets previous sentence*
...Did my headphones just vibrate
I think I'll stop doing this around ten
My webcam just killed itself for no apparent reason
*puts headphones back on*
Why didn't I do that before?
*sips tea*
I hear a click coming from Steph's house...and yet no one is there
Oooh, I made my font bold!
Now 'tis italic
Now it's both!...or it should be...damn it
Wow, you can type in colours?
Steph's back!!
And it's 10:01, so I shall stop.



Joi Grey said...

"I wish I had an inflatable pig"


I'm worried about you, that can't be healthy, it sounds like you have a rubber inflatable pig fetish...not right.

j9‽ said...

Inflatable pigs can be very useful, for your information, such as when you are grilling banananananana flowers and you need something that is light and possibly meltable if you don't have very good luck.

Wishing you had an inflatable pig doesn't necessarily indicate a rubber inflatable pig fetish (unless we're talking about Duncan. We are? Therapist time!). It just means having something handy in the house that you can slap with a piece of raw fish. Preferably bass.

Bass ba doo ba bass.

StephJP said...

Ooh. Nice picture. *stares* Inflatable pigs? What happens when it's deflated?

Poor sad deflated inflatable pig. Is it pink? Is it shiny? Can it sing?

I want one.