Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Random arm writings

That's right, I went pen emo again and scribbled all over me arm at work today. Here is a slightly more legible version of what is currently attacking my arm.

I'm so boooooored. Yes, it needed the extra o's. Sitting here at "work," although there really isn't that much to do...damn...
My supervisor ran away, so *writing goes upside down* I don't know what the fuck needs doing...shit, this'll be hard to read later. I'm writing up rather than down. I should write this on my blog.
Fuck, now it's gone sideways! It's quite difficult to write on one's own arm.
Now it's upside down again. *cracks neck* Ow...I really want something to eat, my dinner was icky. OH GOD!! Attack of the scwibbles!
...Yes, that was a w.
Does the elbow work? NO!
How will I know what the order is? Fuuuck!
Now I'm almost out of space, so I'm writing on my wrist. Pen emo!
I wish I was ambidextrous, then I'd have room to writhe...I just spelled write with an H...hehe, writhe...
Wow, it's hard to write here.
I think I should work's been 20 mins...
Nah, screw it. *pretends to work* The hobos are scaring me...*pop*
"At the tone, the time will be 7:45...*tone* Only 1 hour 15 mins left!!! Hey, Lost is on tonight
(illegible writings, although one of the words looks strangely like "anal")


By this time, it was 7:50. Meaning that I spent half an hour doing nothing. Actually, I took a 10 minute bathroom break between 7:20 and 7:30. We don't get breaks, so I just go to the bathroom with a snack or a book and take a break there.

Wow...I'm really surprised that that much fit on my arm...o.O


StephJP said...

I have just come to the realization that you have an incredibly large left arm. And that's really sad that you have to go to the bathroom to take breaks. What do you even do for you job?!

Duncan said...

I shelve books. See, we don't get breaks unless we workses for at least 4 hours, so when there's nothing to do, I just go to the bathroom. No one even notices.

StephJP said...

ha, I should visit you sometime.

Be like "yeahhh, I'm going to the bathroom. Be back tomorrow."

Ew, dirty. lolol

StephJP said...

and for the record, facebook does NOT work at school.

I even tried taking out the www. CBE is smarter than WIC.

Joi Grey said...

This is BORING! I am stuck in social. And I don't want to be here. Is that the day that you showed me your arm and made me read it cause I swear there are similairities. I must say you write pretty small on your arm. MSN at school works if you add it on an iGoole site. I have one so I just sign in and it works... yeah find a way to best the system every chance we gets...

Duncan said...

They finally blocked facebook at my school, now. And no, Josi, when I showed you my arm before, it were covered in song lyrics.

StephJP said...

Maybe they track everything you guys do, so that they know what to block and what not to block? Ooh, tricky tricky.

Duncan said...

Haha, yeah, they do track us. Although the old tech guy was way stricter than the new one. :D

StephJP said...

Haha sweetness. We're in Math class and we're "studying" our online tests.
